More useful premium features +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-mailTemplates+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Hey ,

I hope, by now, you have a clear idea of what InfiniteWP brings to the table. Here are a few more that you might have missed.

Google Analytics
View analytics for multiple WordPress sites
Manage Users
Create or manage existing users across multiple WordPress sites
WP Maintenance
Perform WP maintenance across multiple sites
WordFence Security
View all vulnerabilities across multiple WordPress sites
Client Plugin Branding
Brand the InfiniteWP client plugin with your agency's branding
Publish posts, pages & links
Manage/edit pages and post to selective sites or all sites in a few clicks
Manage Comments
Review comments across your sites and reply to them right from the admin panel
Code Snippets
Run scripts simultaneously across multiple sites
Broken Link Checker
View and Fix broken links across multiple WordPress sites
Google PageSpeed
View PageSpeed scores and recommendations for all your sites
File Uploader
Upload an image, html or any kind of file to multiple WordPress sites at once
iThemes Security
View vulnerabilities across multiple WordPress sites
Google Webmaster
View Google Webmaster crawl reports for multiple sites
Duo Security - 2 FAuth
Authenticate login requests with the Duo Security mobile app
Google Safe Browsing
Scan all your sites at once and view infected sites in a single view